
Please see below some great feedback from parents and teachers about our club and coaches.



"Fabulous! Thank you for this. Im not sure if you appreciate what these things { online tennis sessions} mean to our children. Thank you so much for involving W [school] in this fantastic project."

" M had a great time, didnt realise tennis could still be so fun online!"

"Thanks to GetSet4Tennis for anotehr "international" inclusive tennis lesson this morning via the powers of zoom. Covid has taken so much from us all but your sessions have allowed me to play tennis with my cousin in Dublin, thank you!"

" Hello! I have had feedback from the staff and they said the [coach] we have for tennis Sam, is amazong and interacts so well, the children are really enjoying it" [nursery tennis]

"Thank you so much for you email and engagement with this project. On behalf of the school and students from the secondary department, I would like to say a BIG thank you for delivering such a great tennis projects for our students"


From a recent Survery Monkey these were just some of  the reason people gave for playing with GS4 Tennis


" Good coaches, end of season trophies, getting better at playing, learning new things"

" Inclusive nature of the club"

" The coaches are brilliant! Make new friends and its fun"

" Its fun, the coaches are excellent, Im learning loads and hopefully improving"

" I like the atmosphere"

"Tailored to my needs, friendly, local, affordable coaching"

" Friendly team"

" Great people"

" You give me an opportunity to participate in a popular sport in a way that I can succeed"

" The coaches are great, they are friendly and I get to play with my friends"